Conclusion: Bridging exercise is beneficial to inhibit lower limb mass synergy.
结论: 双桥运动对抑制偏瘫病人下肢的协同模式有利.
互联网Sensors were fitted to the knee and ankle joints of lower - limb amputees.
互联网Results All of 60 cases have intermittent claudication, lower limb numbness and pain.
结果60例均有不同程度的间歇性跛行 、 下肢麻木、疼痛.
互联网Objective : To investigate the pathogenic mechanism, prevention and treatment of lower limb DVT.
互联网The vasoconstriction sends the lower limb vascular occlusion, hypertension, the stroke and so on.
血管收缩而致下肢血管闭塞 、 高血压 、 中风等.
——期刊摘选Objective To investigate the effect of long leg orthosis on lower limb function rehabilitation of hemiplegics.
互联网Objective To observe the effects of post - operative on - bed rehabilitation gymnastics on patients with lower limb fracture.
互联网Now, investigators report the effects of fenofibrate on FIELD's tertiary endpoint of nontraumatic lower - limb amputations.
现在调查报告了非诺贝特在FIELD试验中第三终点即非创伤性 低位 截肢的效果.
互联网Objective: To study the factors causing the nonunion of lower limb fractures.
摘要目的: 研究下肢长骨干骨折不愈合的影响因素.
互联网Then follow the terminator to the moon's lower limb to locate the lunar south pole.
互联网A control principle of intelligent lower limb prosthesis using magnetorheological ( MR ) fluid damper is expounded.
阐述了一种 磁流变液 阻尼器控制的智能假腿摆动相控制原理.
互联网Figure 5 - 2 : Leg splint for lower limb fracture.
互联网He was observed with lower limb length discrepancy and functional scoliosis.
互联网People carrying baby and the lower limb disabled are declined.
互联网Objective Investigate the causes and self - prevention of varix of lower limb varix in operating room nurses.
目的探讨手术室护士下肢静脉曲张产生的因素及 自我 防护措施.
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